Original Pencils - MOIE "Hawk-King"
Next up in my Masters on Infinite Earths original pencils, it's the Stratos and Hawkman combo of Sky-King! This one felt like a real...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Chargor"
Here is the latest original pencil art for my Masters On Infinite Earths concept art series - Chargor! It was a challenge finding a...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Death Trap"
The Masters on Infinite Earths original pencils moves onto one of my personal favorite pieces - the mash-up of Deathstroke and Trap-Jaw,...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Why-Clops"
The behind-the-scenes look at Masters on Infinite Earths continues with the resident inventor of Mount Apokolips - Why-Clops! The...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Ork-Oa"
Next in my series of original pencils for my Masters on Infinite Earths mash-up project, it's the powerful wizard Ork-Oa! Masters of the...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Evil-Ivy"
My Masters on Infinite Earths concept art project continues with another original pencil piece - Evil-Ivy! This mash-up of Evil-Lyn and...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Wonder Warrior"
Today's Masters on Infinite Earths entry is a "Two-For-One" - the Wonder Warrior, in both her normal attire and battle armor look. I...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Mer-Master"
Next up in the original pencil series for my Masters on Infinite Earths concept art project - the evil underdweller of the Sea of Rakash,...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Man-Of-Bats"
"Masters On Infinite Earths" behind the scenes peeks continue today with the Man-At-Arms/Batman mash-up, the Man-Of-Bats! This felt like...
Original Pencils - MOIE "The Grodd-Beast"
The Masters On Infinite Earths concept art series rolls on with the original pencil art for the Beast-Man/Gorilla-Grodd mash-up, the...