Original Pencils - MOIE "KaSaad the Lashor"
My Masters On Infinite Earths series of original pencil work continues with KaSaad the Lashor! This mashup combines the Snake Men's Tung Lashor and the New God's DeSaad into a new sadistic master of pain! This is actually the second version I had drawn - the first version had his Super Powers-inspired backpack with the pipes extending out in front of him (see below). Once I looked closer at my reference material, I realized that was only a feature that was added to the DC Universe Classic action figure to allow removal of the pack, and that the "handles" were actually the electro-shock therapy weapons! I ultimately incorporated Tung Lashor's stripes into the robe, and then made him the paler blue/green color of the Super Powers DeSaad, so it wouldn't just be the pink snake man in a robe.