Original Pencils - MOIE "Death Trap"
The Masters on Infinite Earths original pencils moves onto one of my personal favorite pieces - the mash-up of Deathstroke and Trap-Jaw,...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Why-Clops"
The behind-the-scenes look at Masters on Infinite Earths continues with the resident inventor of Mount Apokolips - Why-Clops! The...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Ork-Oa"
Next in my series of original pencils for my Masters on Infinite Earths mash-up project, it's the powerful wizard Ork-Oa! Masters of the...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Evil-Ivy"
My Masters on Infinite Earths concept art project continues with another original pencil piece - Evil-Ivy! This mash-up of Evil-Lyn and...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Wonder Warrior"
Today's Masters on Infinite Earths entry is a "Two-For-One" - the Wonder Warrior, in both her normal attire and battle armor look. I...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Mer-Master"
Next up in the original pencil series for my Masters on Infinite Earths concept art project - the evil underdweller of the Sea of Rakash,...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Man-Of-Bats"
"Masters On Infinite Earths" behind the scenes peeks continue today with the Man-At-Arms/Batman mash-up, the Man-Of-Bats! This felt like...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Castle of the Gray Skull"
Continuing the series of original pencils for the Masters On Infinite Earths mashup project, here is the Castle of the Gray Skull! I...
Original Pencils - MOIE "Battle Hound"
Next up on my series of original pencils for my "Masters On Infinite Earths" mash-up concept art, here's the mighty Battle Hound! I think...
Original Pencils - MOIE "The He-man of Steel"
Here is the next entry in the series of original pencils for my Masters On Infinite Earths - Kal-El, the He-Man of Steel! #MOIE #HeMan...