Original Pencils - MOIE "Skellex"Next up in a series of original pencil pieces for my Masters On Infinite Earths MOTU/DC Comics mash-up, it's Skellex! Paying homage to the DC Super Powers Lex Luthor, Skellex's Power Suit is the only thing keeping his Kryptonite-ravaged body alive! #MOIE #HeMan #pencils #DCComics #MOTU
Next up in a series of original pencil pieces for my Masters On Infinite Earths MOTU/DC Comics mash-up, it's Skellex! Paying homage to the DC Super Powers Lex Luthor, Skellex's Power Suit is the only thing keeping his Kryptonite-ravaged body alive! #MOIE #HeMan #pencils #DCComics #MOTU